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M Y   S T O R Y 


Welcome to LINZ! This is my lifestyle blog dedicated to my love of food and photography. I keep it simple.


I am a New Zealand chef and visual artist, honing my craft in my travels to Australia, Canada, USA and Mexico.


I grew up on a small farm in Eureka, New Zealand where we raised our own organic lambs, chickens, fresh fruit and veg. My older brothers flew the coup for the overseas experience and craved my home cooking, hence this blog and its name LINZ  "Left in New Zealand" (also my nickname :)


Throughout my travels I have perfected the art of cooking with limited tools in small kitchens, living out of a suitcase. Every recipe on my blog is tried and tested by all the amazing people I have met on my journey. No matter your cooking skills, you got this. 


You're welcome. xx


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