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F E A T U R E D    P O S T 

White Chocolate Mud Cake

Hello Lovelies,

My first blog post, scary but also exciting because it is the start of something quite special. It is quite intimidating because of how many food blogs are already out there. And I think to myself how can I make my blog stand out from the others. I really don't know the answer to that and I dont know any secrets to the trade, but will just follow my heart <3.

This cake I made near Christmas time, it is kinda what I think of international Christmas. A winter Christmas is definitely on my bucket list. The white of the snow and the red roses because red is a tradtional chrsitmas festive colour.

Beautiful! I could just imagine cuddling up by the fire in this log cabin and serving this cake at the end of a lovely Christmas Eve meal with family and friends.

Here in New Zealand we have our Christmas in the middle of summer. A typical kiwi summer would consit of a big BQQ lunch, kids playing cricket/rugby on the lawn, adults drinking glasses of wine outside, going for a swim in the heat of the afternoon and opening presents.

It is a very different Chritsmas from other countries I am sure and that is because of the weather.

So we have roses growing here at Christmas time, so I decieded that they looked so beautiful in the garden I had to have them on my finsihed cake.

Look at that decadant slice, 3 layers of white chocolate mud cake,filled in thelayers with silky white chocolate ganache.

Garnished with fresh summer red roses and winter red roses. Topped with white chocolate curls and cigars.

The whole cake is then encased in a tempered chocolate collar, and finished with a christmas bow around the cake.

This cake is a very delicious cake with just the right ratio of icing to cake. Great for those white chocolate lovers! Serve with a tangy beryy coulis or compote to contrast with the sweetness of the cake.

Here is the delightful recipe from one of my favourite chefs, Donna Hay :)


185g butter chopped 1 cup milk 1 1/2 cups caster sugar 150g white chocolate 2 cups plain flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 2 eggs

2 teaspoons of vanilla Method

Preheat the oven to 160C in fan bake. Place butter, milk, sugar and chocolate in saucepan over low heat and stir until melted and smooth. Sift flour and baking powder (dry ingredients) along with vanilla and eggs in a bowl. Gradually pour in the chocolate melted mixture into the bowl. Grease and line a 22cm round tin with baking paper.

Pour into 22cm round cake tin. Bake for 50min or until you insert a skewer and it comes out with only a few crumbs attached to the skewer. Cool in tin on a wire rack. Source: Pg 72 Donna Hay Modern Classics

This is definitely a great cake if you don't want to make a dark chcolate mud cake, so save this to your recipe books.

Well thats my blog post, nothing much to it, but I hope you found something in it that inspires you to cook and bake for your family and friends.

Until next time lovelies...

A R C H I V E S 
Anchor 2

Hey! I'm Lindsay. Travelling and working around the globe in hospitality. Favourite things include my camera, sports and drinking ciders at the beach <3

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