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Sydney Australia

Welcome back!

Hi all! I am back, I know its been a crazy 18 months. And I am here to fill you in on all the memories, laughs, tears and mistakes that were made.

The day I left NZ (aged 18)

Arriving in Sydney in all honestly was extremely scary, the city is the size of my country. (4million)


I rented a room in Maroubra, renting in Sydney is very expensive, I was paying $200 to share a room in a small apartment. Maroubra is a nice local beach near the end of the Eastern suburbs. (5 beaches from Bondi)

This is one of my brothers. Who left home when I was 10, to travel the world. He came to Sydney 4 years ago, with just the clothes on his back and a one way ticket from Germany to Sydney. Seeing the progress Seany has made in 4 years was so inspiring. He went from flipping burgers to becoming a top rated property manager. Without him by my side through my struggles in Sydney, I wouldn't be where I am. I owe all my success in Sydney to him completely.

I lived with Seany for 18 months and wouldn't have it any other way. I am happy to say I came to a country I didn't know, to a brother I barely knew. I am overwhelmed to say I know Sydney and I know my brother more then he knows himself.


While in Sydney, I worked at a top establishment known as Coogee Pavilion. Three storey venue, with a rooftop terrace. I originally worked as a chef there, before changing position to a waitress, cocktail bartender,barista and smoothie/gelato girl.

Coogee Pavilion was situated right next to Coogee beach. If you look closely in this photo you will see a blue and white umbrella dome. That is my work.

After working their full time for one year, I was very drained and very stressed. Sydney is a very full on city, pressure, demands and targets to be met everyday.

I needed a break, but not just a one week holiday to Melbourne. I hadn't had anytime off for almost 3 years. And it was taking a toll on myself physically and mentally.


Don't get me wrong, the first 12 months of Sydney were painful. New country, new work, new friends, new house. It doesn't all just fit into place perfectly the first time, or the second time. I changed work twice and moved house twice. Sydney has really taught me to know what I like, and don't stop until you have it.

Gradually when you are stable in a place for a long period of time, you start to be part of the community, a local. I began making friends with people who were committed to Sydney. A lot of people I was meeting were coming for a year or six months and leaving. That is what I found the hardest, you would just be growing close to someone and they would be packing their bags the next day.

After being unhappy in Sydney for 12 months I decided I needed a change, I originally applied to work on the ski resort in Australia (3 hours from Sydney)After being put on the waiting list and getting no response. I looked into the ski resorts in Canada.The hardest thing about going to Canada, was leaving my boyfriend. It was hard because just as I accepted my visa for Canada, everything started to all fit into a place. I got close friends, a boyfriend and promoted at my work.

At times I was considering not to get on the plane to Canada, but when I look back and access how much I have grown up, and deepened my character. I knew that Canada would be even a more eye opening experience. So in the end, even how hard it was, I jumped on the plane.


Sydney has been a crazy, life learning, eye opening and adventurous experience. I have met some incredible people. But learnt so much about my capability and strength.

I'm happy to say even through the struggles, challenges and obstacles I am happy I stuck it out with Sydney because I proved a lot to myself. Not many people can say they started a new life in a new country at the age of 18.

I'll see ya soon Sydney for sure!

My old home <3



A R C H I V E S 
Anchor 2

Hey! I'm Lindsay. Travelling and working around the globe in hospitality. Favourite things include my camera, sports and drinking ciders at the beach <3

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