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Swiss Meringue Buttercream

Here is a tutorial of my favourite icing I like to use on my cakes. Swiss meringue buttercream.

I love swiss meringue because I can make the icing anywhere. The recipe is a 1.2.3 ratio.

1 part egg whites

2 part sugar

3 part butter

Seperate your egg whites with care because any shells, yolk or dirt that gets into your delicate egg whites can affect the end product. Make sure you are using really sterilised utensils as well.

Place egg whites into a bowl. Give your egg yolks to your dog if you have no use for them. They will make their coat very shiny.

Place the bowl over a bain marie. This is a double boiler method and will cook the egg whites slowly as you whip them.

Add your 2 parts sugar.

Begin whisking while the heat is on medium. Slowly the egg whites will begin to cook and froth up.

Put some work into these babies and they will repay you back with a delicious icing.

Once it gets to a foamy stage like this, you can see the egg whites have been activated and are whipping.

Transfer the bowl to a stand mixer, and put the beater on high speed. Begin beating and touch the bowl, you will notice the temperature of the bowl is very hot. Your icing will be done once that bowl is completely cold.

Once it comes to a meringue style, you can begin adding your cold cubed butter, one cube at a time making sure each one is incorporated well before the next addition.

But don't forget your flavouring. Vanilla for me.

Now begin add your butter, slowly. Keep the beaters on a continuous beating motion.

After all the butter has been incorporated you will be left with something like this. You can fold in compotes, chocolates at this stage here. Or leave it how it is because it is absolutely delicious!

ta da!

A R C H I V E S 
Anchor 2

Hey! I'm Lindsay. Travelling and working around the globe in hospitality. Favourite things include my camera, sports and drinking ciders at the beach <3

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