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Marbled Chocolate Caramel Slice

Hey lovellies..

Marbled Chocolate Caramel Slice, that is what is on the menu today! A beautiful slice that can be served for morning tea or afternoon tea.

A soft crumbly shortbread complemented with gooey sweet caramel and topped with bitter chocolate. I call delicious!

Serve this slice with a bottle of milk or English Breakfast tea.

This is no ordinary slice, its not just one you pick out of a shelf in the glass cabinet at the cafe. It's not like those caramel slices, it has creativity with the marbled effect on top.

I love this composed shot, looking down on the milk bottle and everything is blurred out except the slice, its self. But you can still slightly make out the crumbs in the backround.

Serve this slice on a nice clean tea plate if you are having a tea.

Caramel slice, believe it or not was one of the first things I knew how to make. No fancy recipe or anything. Its off the back of a sweetened condensed milk can and is the only recipe I have ever used.

I would make it every Sunday when I was at primary and intermediate because nothing is better than pulling out home baking from your lunchbox. Everyone will immediately be wanting a bite though.

I added coconut thread into the shortbread base to jazz it up a bit. Trust me this just adds a whole new dimesion to the slice. It gives the shortbread a nice chew to it. The chewniess contrast well with the gooey caramel and the smooth chocolate.

I'm just dying to begin the recipe. Lets begin!

Start with brown sugar, flour, baking powder and cinnamon in a bowl.

Slowly add the melted butter into the mixture. Mix until its all combined.

Once the mixture is all combined, place into a pre prepared tin that is lined with baking paper.

Press the mixture until it is all smooth and even like in this photo. Can you see all the threads of coconut?

To make the caramel: Pour condensed milk into a pot.

Chop up and cube the softened butter and add to the pot.

Pour your golden syrup into a pot

You will know the caramel is done, when it is lovely and thick and smooth.

Bake the slice at 180 degrees for about 14 minutes. Just until the corners are brown. Slowly pour in the beautful caramel. Looks like gold doesn't it!!

Begin spreading the caramel evenly over the slice with an offset spatula.

Bake the caramel layer for 10 minutes or until the caramel is golden and caramelised.

Once the caramel is cooked, leave to cool on a wire rack.

Prepare your bench. Melt your white chocolate and dark chocolate (at least 50% cocoa solids)

Pour your dark chocolate on top of the caramel layer.

Begin spreading the chocolate over the caramel layer with an offset spatula. Look at that beautiful shiny chocolate.

This is what it should like when you are finished smoothing the dark chocolate.

Spoon white chocolate onto the dark chocolate before the chocolate sets.

Use a skewer to drag the two chocolates together to form a marbled effect.

When you finish, smile at your work of art!

For the written recipe..


Marbled Caramel Slice


1 cup of all purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 cup of soft brown sugar

1 cup desicated or thread coconut

125g unsalted butter (melted)


1x395g condensed milk

2 Tablespoons of golden syrup

30g unsualted butter


150g dark chocolate (over 50% cocoa)

50g white chocolate


-Preheat oven to 180 degrees.

-Begin by measuring out all the dry ingredients and sifting the flour, baking powder and cinnamon to remove any clumps.

-Add the brown sugar, coconut and butter and mix until combined.

-Pour into a a lined tin of baking paper and press the base down evenly.

-Bake the slice for 14 minutes until the edges start to brown.

To prepare the filling..

-Combine condensed milk, butter and golden syrup over low heat and continue stiring until everything has melted.

-Continue to stire for a further 5 minutes and wait until the caramel begins to bubble and thick.

-Take off the heat and pour the thick caramel on the base.

-Return to the oven for a further 10 minutes or until the caramel is carmalised on top.

-Let the slice to stand on a wire rack when it has finished cooking.

To prepare topping..

-Melt both chocolates in seperate bowls, either over a double boiler the micowave. -Pour the dark chocolate onto the cooled slice and begin smoothing the chocolate until it coats the whole suface area of the slice.

-Add spoonfulls of white chooclate, and using a skewer or a knitting neddle, drag the point through the 2 different types of chocolate to form a pattern.

-Leave to sit at room temperature so the chocolate can set.

To serve...

-With a warm knife cut small or big pieces and display on a plate.

Thats literally it, a few task but really easy task!

Until next time lovellies...

A R C H I V E S 
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Hey! I'm Lindsay. Travelling and working around the globe in hospitality. Favourite things include my camera, sports and drinking ciders at the beach <3

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