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Honeycomb Crunchy Bar Cake

This is what happens, when you pair homemade honey comb with a cake. An absolute creation!

This is a chocolate cake, with salted caramel Swiss Mernigue Buttercream,drizzling chocolate, homemade crunchie bar pieces and topped with big slabs of honeycomb. This is a dream for any Crunchie Bar lover.

I looked up the definition of honeycomb. 'It says a structure of hexagonal cells of wax, made by bees to store honey and eggs.

I have crunched honeycomb crumbles on the top of the cake, the honeycomb adds great texture to this cake. And supriseingly it taste identical to the crunchie bar you buy in the store.

I made this cake in the weekend, and got the idea because I love to have lots of crunch and different textures throughout my cake. I was scrolling on pinterest and saw a simple cake iced in Chocolate ganache, and had crumbled honeycomb. But as always I have to outdo pinterest and make it a show stopper piece.

Don't get me wrong this honeycomb didn't come easy. I though since it was called honeycomb, it would have honey in it. I tried 2 recipes one with honey, which clearly didn't work. One recipe with golden syrup that I did 4 times, because I couldn't get the sugar to dissolve. So when you are making this honeycomb make sure the sugar dissolves otherwise I assure you it wont work!

So this cake went to my Graphics Design class, they are amazingly talented girls and always appreciate a sweet treat. Especially that Maddie (:

In the middle of the layers there are pieces of Crunchie bar and drizzlings of chocolate.

Crumb coat is complete with a salted caramel layer. Delish!

Honeycomb Recipe

Source: Sorted Food

160g caster sugar

80g Golden Syrup

2 tsp Bicorbarnate Soda

Knob of Butter


-Have your baking tray ready and lined with baking paper.

-Heat butter, golden syrup and sugar in a pot on low heat. This is the most inportant step I can give you. DONT STIR.

-This is the reason I had 4 fails. So learn from me and don't stir. Just let it melt by itself.

-When it almost looks all melted, begin stirring with a wooden spoon.

-Heat under a golden amber colour. (colour of maple syrup)

-Turn up the heat and boil the mixture until it turns to a dark amber colour.

-Take off the heat, and quickly dump all Baking Soda in the mixture. Stir quickly so the baking soda dissolves.

-Be careful it foams ups, quickly pour it onto the lined tray. Allow it to cool and don;t be tempted to touch it, till fully set at room temperature.

-Once it has set, crack it into desired sized pieces. Toss in melted chocolate or eat just as is.

I hope you make some homemade honeycomb, you wont regret it!

Till next time lovelies xx

A R C H I V E S 
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Hey! I'm Lindsay. Travelling and working around the globe in hospitality. Favourite things include my camera, sports and drinking ciders at the beach <3

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