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Triple Chocolate Ombre Cake

Wow! I love this cake, I really loved it. This is my kinda cake. Simplicity and its best!

This is a chocolate buttermilk cake with Dulce De Leche filling and coconut shortbread pieces, a triple chocolate ombre swiss meringue icing, chocolate hail garnished caramel macarons and chocolate 3 loop hoops.

This cake was for a girl I used to play hockey with, it was her 16th Birthday. I hope you all had a great week. I have been ridiculously busy but I love it! I am one of those people who has to always be doing something. Like I guess it is just in my genes, my father is a spitting image of what I just described above. He will be mowing the lawns, cooking dinner, picking up leaves, off for a swim, walking the dog and starting bonfires. I guess it has it's positive and negatives.

I have been the hot plate chef at work, and man it is a good challenge. There are about 15 different brunch options and 10 different burgers. It is great learning and I am slowly coming up with my own strategies. I love it because as the time ticks over, and at about 11.30 you start getting really anticipated and hyped for service. You get a little adrenaline rush and you just go off that!

I have lately being getting into personalising my cakes, adding things such as "Happy Birthday" or "Thank you" or "16 wooh" I think it makes the cake look like it was personalised and ordered for that person and that the cake wasn't just picked up at any cake store last minute.

Mmm, these little beauties. This cake is almost like a patisserie cake because of the elements. Tempered chocolate garnishes and french macarons! There is this school called the 'Le Cordon Bleu' it is amazing and is French, they teach you the french styles and ways to be a chef. There is a patisserie course and I am forever gazing over the website. It is just too expensive. I am though going to apply for a scholarship in July (you have to be 18) and hope that I come out with something.

I love how effective it looks from far away! The delicate thing hoops and the small macarons. I think it is the different shapes and symmetry is what makes it look very effective!

Just before I handed my baby over.

No recipe today! Just ratios for the chocolate butter creams.

600g swiss meringue buttercream

50g white chocolate (melted)

100g milk chocolate (melted)

150g dark chocolate (melted)

-Mix 200g of the white chocolate with the buttercream until well combined.

-Do this for the milk chocolate and white chocolate butter creams (200g buttercream each)

-The reason the chocolate measurements are not the same, is because I found if you add more dark chocolate to your dark chocolate mix it would be darker.

-And if you had less in your milk chocolate buttercream it will look light brown.

-It worked well!

Hope you give this cake a go!

Till next time!

LINZ x x

A R C H I V E S 
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Hey! I'm Lindsay. Travelling and working around the globe in hospitality. Favourite things include my camera, sports and drinking ciders at the beach <3

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