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HoneyComb Boysenberry Accesding Shard Cake

Hiya LINZblog followers! What a few hectic weeks it has been for me. I am working lots and lots, but I love it. Just haven't had any time to blog. Happy Anzac day, and happy birthday to my brother Fruss!

I have been saving this blog entry for quite some time. I think I did it a month ago for a work colleague. It was my first 21st cake I had ever done, and I was so so happy the way it turned out. It actually turned out better then I thought it would!

This cake is a chocolate buttermilk layered cake, with swiss chocolate meringue buttercream, layered with chocolate boysenberry mousse and pieces of honeycomb. Decorated with chocolate shards garnished with honeycomb, shards of chocolate and honeycomb, and a happy birthday sign.

I love how it is quite simple like the chocolate work is a bit extravagant but it is very repetitive. So it is pleasing for the eyes to look out, all those lines repeating is very nice for the eyes.

I also like the birds eye view of the cake, it looks like a stairwell swirling down the cake.

I was so happy with the way my first 21st cake turned out, hopefully when I promote my first 21st cake order I will get a few more. They are very fun to do.

I have also been practising my writing on cakes, chocolate or biscuits ect I remember when I was a kid, I loved the fancy calligraphy handwriting style, I brought myself a calligraphy pen, nib, and jar of ink. I would just spend the whole school holidays by the fire. I would just practice each letter till it looked pretty. I was really good at entertaining myself when I was a kid. Because my brothers never wanted to play barbies or dolls.

I can't believe my brother is 20 years old. I almost can't believe I am almost 18 years old. I remember when my older brothers were at the age I am now and I looked up at them, like wow you guys are old, driving your own car, out of school and going out to town. Our family has just grown up so fast.

It took so long to pick a piece of ribbon to use to decorate the cake, because that would otherwise make it or break it. If you choose the wrong size, the wrong width or the wrong colour. I was lucky because I think this ribbon is beautiful on this cake.

I have one recipe for you guys today. It is a beautiful mousse. Honestly, it is soo good, so rich that you only need a spoonful to be satisfied but that is how I like my mousses.

It is quite a complicated mousse, just very technical, so don't be afraid if it doesn't work the first time. Practice till you get it!

This is the sabayon method. (Pastry Chef Way)

Makes 900g

Chocolate Mousse

300g dark chocolate (at least 60% cocoa solids)

140g egg yolks (about 7 egg yolks)

80g caster sugar

40ml water

380ml whipping cream

Boysenberry Compote

100g frozen boysenberries

50g sugar

50g water


160g caster sugar

80g golden syrup

2 teaspoon bicarbonate soda



-Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie.

-Whisk the egg yolks in an electric mixer fitted with a whisk attachment. Meanwhile, put the sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Heat until it reaches 121 degrees.

-Slowly pour this sugar syrup you have made over the egg yolks in a continuous speed and continue to whisk to a full sabayon. (until the mixture reaches ribbon stage) It will be thicker and pale.

-Continue to whisk the mixture until it is cool.

-In a new bowl whip cream until it reaches ribbon stage, then fold the sabayon into the cream.

-Carefully fold one-third of the mixture into the melted chocolate. Fold in the remaining cream.

-Fold in the boysenberry compote until it has a ripple effect and is well distributed. Sprinkle in honeycomb bits and fold them in.


-Place the frozen boysenberries, sugar and water in a medium saucepan and cook over medium heat. Cook over medium heat and let it boil (this will help reduce the water content) Cook until the berries have broken down and the consistency has thickened.


-Line a rectangle baking dish with baking paper. Line it really well, this honeycomb will stick to anything. Spray oil and lay down baking paper so it sticks to the oil.

Heat butter, sugar and corn syrup in a medium saucepan gently until melted. You don't want the mixture to boil until the sugar has dissolved.

Turn up the heat and boil quickly, DO NOT STIR!

Continue until a nice golden brown (colour of maple syrup)

149 degrees (hard crack stage)

Take off the heat and dump the soda in the syrup. Be careful it will foam up. Stir quickly for a few seconds.

Pour into a lined dish and allow it to set.

Pour into serving glasses and eat. If you are using it for a cake filler, soak 7 gelatin leaves in cold water and let them sit for 5 minutes. When you are mixing the sabayon (add your soaked gelatin leaves and mix until you can longer see them. Once you do this you must work quickly!)

So if you know of anyone wanting a 21st celebration cake. I am available to order 21st birthday cakes. Share it around! Thanks always guys!

Till next time,

LINZ x x

A R C H I V E S 
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Hey! I'm Lindsay. Travelling and working around the globe in hospitality. Favourite things include my camera, sports and drinking ciders at the beach <3

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