Shrewsbury Biscuits

Shrewsbury biscuits or cakes as the UK people call it. Shrewsbury is a shortcake biscuit that has a raspberry jam filling. The biscuits are identified very quickly because they have a hole or heart in the biscuit where the jam is visible.

The biscuits typically come in a small palm size, but when you make them from scratch you can make any desired shape. I did a range of small, medium and big!

Shrewbury biscuits are actually names after the country town 'Shropshire' in England. This is a beautiful traditional town. I just googled it.

Here I have a medium biscuit and a small biscuit on top of eachother. With a slight dusting of icing sugar.

Make sure you put a generous amount of raspberry jam on one side of the biscuit. When you sandwich the two halves together, do not press them to hard, otherwise the jam with ooze out. If you leave them to sit for a few hours the jam sets up.

I make my own fresh raspberry jam for my shrewsbury because I think it has a much nicer taste. There is no reason you cannot use blackberry jam, apricot jam or blueberry jam.

I love this photo, it is so simple, raspberries scattered and drawing your eyes to the jar of raspberry jam. I love raspberries so much. They are a very versatile fruit for baking.

I always remembered as a kid at primary school, I was always so jealous of the kids who had shrewsbury biscuits. They always attracted my eyes because of their pretty red filling.

Make your shortbread dough and allow it t sit and rest for at least 1 hour. SO the gluten can relax.

Slowly and gently roll out your dough till it has a 5cm thickness.

-Using a crimped circle biscuit cutter, cut out circles. Remove the excess dough and use the excess dough the 2nd time to roll it out and cut more circles.

-Using the end of a piping nozzle cut out circles out of the middle of the biscuits. Make sure you only cut holes out of half the biscuits.

-Place the biscuits on a baking tray lined with baking paper. At least 8cm apart for extra secuirty.

-Bake in a preheated oven of 180 degrees until the biscuits have puffed up.

-When the biscuits are complete, they should be a a very light golden colour and be strong enough to hold together.
240g unsalted butter
2 cups caster sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extratc
4 cups flour
1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
orange or lemon zest
Raspberrry jam
4 cups frozen raspberries
1/2-1 cup caster sugar
zest and juice of 1 lemon
-Using an electric mixer, beat butter and sugar until pale and fluffy. Scrape down the sides of the bowl insuring everything is well incoperated. Add eggs mixing well after each addition. Add vanilla and mix to combine.
-In a serperate bowl, sift flour and baking powder and salt. Using a large metal spoon, fold flour through creamed mixture until combined. Turn dough liightly onto a floured bench and knead till dough comes together. No more!
-Wrap in glad wrap and chill for 1 hour.
-Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Line your baking trays with baking paper. remove your dough from the fridge and let it come to room temperature. Roll out the dough to a 5cm thickness. Cut out crimped rounds. On hlaf the circles cut out a hole using the end of a piping nozzle.
-Place the biscuits on the baking tray at least 5 cm apart. bake for 8-10 minutes depending on the size of your biscuit. But just until the crimped edges are lightly golden.
-To make raspberry jam, combine the raspberries, sugar and lemon juice i a saucepan and let the raspberries dissolve over low heat. Simmer for 30-35 minutes until the jam is set.
-Allow the filling to cool, so it thickens up more. Spread jam over one side of the biscuit and sandwich the two sides together.
-Dust with icing sugar
Until next time lovelies..