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Raspberry Swirl Cake

Hey guys! How you going? This is probably one of my signature cakes. Probably my favourite flavour combo in sweets. Raspberry and Chocolate. I love it and I think the tartness from the raspberries complements the sweet/bitter chocolate so nicely.

This is a chocolate buttermilk cake (my staple as well) it is a very sturdy layering cake and keeps super moist days after because its using buttermilk.

Its layered with chocolate ganache and raspberry coulis topped with a chocolate sail and chocolate raspberry macarons.

Towards the end of my cake making I began to develop a style for my cakes which was super exciting. It was tall 3-4 layered cakes, perfectly smooth icing, ganache drizzle, decorated with meringue kisses, macarons, fudge, jubes and a handmade chocolate sail.

I began to like the look of these cakes because I always liked my cakes to be tall because I find that made them very appealing. Especially when you cut into the cakes and they have 4 even layers. I liked how the chocolate sail gave the cake a front to it. So you looked at the cake from the front and the back. I think it just looked very classy and simple. Plus I hadn't seen any other cakes similar to mine.

I also made my cakes smaller (11cm) because I liked my cakes to be tall. But also because my cakes were very rich, I used top quality ingredients so they were super intense and flavour punching. SO most of the time you only needed a small piece of cake to satisfy your cravings.

Seeing all these cakes now and when I did them I thought they were great and amazing. And yes they are but I believe 2 years on I can improve my cake decorating so much more. Their are tiny imperfections I am picking up on while I scroll through the edited photos. I hope once I move into a more permanent place in Vancouver I can begin some sort of baking again. Even if it is my famous chocolate chip cookies.

I just love baking, it is so relaxing for me. Everyone is always asking me 'oh have you seen this show' I am always replying 'No i haven't' Because for me I get more thrill out of producing something creative or beautiful like this cake then sitting on a couch and watching some tv series that you won't remember what happened in that episode in 3 days.

I also love photographing it, I think that is such a skill to photograph food nicely. Food is hard to photograph, I would know I have had my fare share of ugly food photos for sure. So I always loved the challenge when I had finished the baked good to see if I could try capture how good it looks on person on camera. A lot easier said then done.

Yum seeing these photos, is making me want to eat cake. I never was tempted by sweets or cake or anything like that back then because I was always around it. Always mixing a bowl of icing, always smoothing out and tempering my chocolate, always levelling my cakes and having cake crumbs. But because I made such nice cakes I can never bring myself to eating other cakes unless it is from a cake shop. Supermarket or made by someone else, I just don't think its worth it for me. so I have practically been on a 2 year cake diet. And it kills now when I see these gorgeous photos.


Chocolate Raspberry Swirl Cake

Chocolate Sail:

Chocolate Raspberry Macarons:

Chocolate Ganache Drizzle:

Chocolate Buttermilk Cakes:

Swiss Meringue Buttercream

(Add 1/2 cup of raspberry jam to the buttercream to make it raspberry buttercream)

A R C H I V E S 
Anchor 2

Hey! I'm Lindsay. Travelling and working around the globe in hospitality. Favourite things include my camera, sports and drinking ciders at the beach <3

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