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'You were born an original.
'Don't die a copy.
Welcome to LINZblog, this is where I blog about my creations I have made and photographed.
At the end of the entry, will follow a recipe and maybe a photo tutorial if you are lucky! Enjoy x
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Alfajores Salted Caramel Cake
Hey guys! Whats happening! I have a monster of a cake coming in for you. I made this cake for my best friend from boarding school 18th...
Rainbow Chocolate Tree Cake
Good morning everyone! It is a fine day here in Vancouver. I got up at 5.30am and went to the gym. Because I wanted today to be super...
Lemon Passionfruit Melting Moments
Hey guys! Good morning. It is a very overcast day here in Vancouver. I got up at 7am and cleaned the bathroom. It was so filthy I don't...
Poached Pear Praline Mousse Tarts
Hey there! So this recipe is a goodie. I actually got approached by my high school once I had dropped out if I could please provide them...
GF Lemon Honey Passionfruit Cube Cake
Hey guys! How are you going? I am in love with this blog entry and this cake. Look at the colours and all the elements on this cake. So...
GF Fresh Raspberry White Chocolate Cake
Hey Guys, how are you going! I am well, I just finished a workout at the gym and now I have come home to blog while I sip on my mango...
Shrewsbury Biscuits
​ Shrewsbury biscuits or cakes as the UK people call it. Shrewsbury is a shortcake biscuit that has a raspberry jam filling. The biscuits...
French Macarons Tutorial (French Method)
Macarons, yes they are a pest until you know how to make them perfectly. They just become clock work. But because I have a lot of entries...
Sweet Shortcrust Pastry
This is a tutorial on how to make shortcrust pastry. Here I am using a big 30cm tart tin. But this recipe works for any size, any shape...
Peach and Tamarillo Waffles
So as a kid, I have fond memories of waking up to waffle batter I had made the previous day before. heating up the waffle iron, and...
Puff Pastry Tutorial (PATE FEUILLETÉE)
Puff pastry is one of my favourite pastries. I remember as a little girl, I would have about 6 stacks of ready to roll puff pastry in the...
Dutch Stroopwafles
I am not kidding when I say these are my favourite biscuits! They are so delicious. I have great childhood memories of these biscuits....
Swiss Meringue Buttercream
Here is a tutorial of my favourite icing I like to use on my cakes. Swiss meringue buttercream. I love swiss meringue because I can make...
Fresh Fruit Danishes
Yum! So let me tell you if there is something I really love, it is a fresh fruit danish straight from the oven. I remember getting up at...
Laminating Dough
This is a tutorial post. Laminating dough, which is a very important skill to know if you plan on making lots of fresh pastry. Make sure...
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